About ME

As an architect, my driving passion is the design of pedestrian-friendly and environmentally-sustainable mixed-income housing developments which serve as catalysts for the improvement of their surrounding communities. Through my work I have earned the respect and trust of WRT’s developer and housing authority-clients, as well as of the residents and stakeholders of the larger communities.  My commitment to green design, coupled with my dedication to integrating environmentally-sustainable design practices and renewable-energy systems into our practice and our projects has resulted in an ever-increasing commitment from our clients to seek LEED certification, Passive House Certification, and other sustainable design certifications for their projects.

In my 2 year and 4 months as Chief of Planning, Design and Construction at the DC Housing Authority, as well as my 15-year and 4 month tenure at WRT, I have designed and managed projects, spanning a range of scales from single-family homes to multi-story apartment buildings, community centers and mixed-use podium buildings. I have served both as Project Architect and Project Manager on numerous assignments for developer clients such as Pennrose Properties, The Michaels Organization, Beacon Communities, The Community Builders, Inc., and other for-profit and non-profit housing developers and housing authorities.  In these projects my responsibilities have ranged from creating master development plans, to design and documentation, code review, municipal approvals (planning and zoning), construction permitting and construction administration.   Since 2010, I have been responsible for profitably managing the design of $180 million-worth of construction projects for WRT.

My most recent work experience includes Meriden Commons I and II.  Meriden Commons II, now in-construction, will be one of the first Passive House multi-family projects certified in the State of Connecticut.  Other recent work includes Woodrow Wilson Commons, a 173-unit LEED Gold-certified mixed-income housing development in Long Branch, NJ; Montgomery Family Phase 1, a 126 unit mixed-income housing development in Jersey City, NJ; and the Perry Choice Neighborhood, an 829 unit mixed-income Choice Neighborhoods redevelopment plan for the Commodore Perry Housing Project in Buffalo, New York. 

The projects I have been involved in have won design awards from NJ Future (NJ Smart Growth Award for Woodrow Wilson Commons), The NJ Governor’s Award for Excellence in Design (for Garfield Court), and a smart-growth award from the 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania (for the Overlook Park HOPE VI project).  These awards highlight the smart-growth principles exemplified by each project.

In 2014 I served on a panel at the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU-22), presenting the Perry Choice Neighborhood project as part of a panel discussing LEED in the context of new urbanist projects and principles.  In 2018 I moderated a panel at the UB Affordable Housing Symposium on “Innovations in Design and Construction” and co-led a seminar on the Passive House Certification Process at the SpArc Residential Conference in Ft. Worth, Texas.

I also give back to my Alma Mater, through my membership on the Board of the UB Alumni Association (since 2017).